Ben Bernanke is an American Economist who was born on December 13, 1953. Bernanke went to Harvard University where he received his Bachelors and Masters degree. He then got his Ph. D. from MIT in 1979. Bernanke was a professor at Stanford, but eventually became a tenured professor at Princeton University in the Department of Economics. Bernanke is well known for being the chairman of the Federal Reserve system from 2006 to 2014. During his first term Bernanke worked to stabilize the economy during the Great Recession of 2008. Many sources including, Time magazine and former President Barack Obama, have praised Bernanke for his response to the financial crisis. Bernanke is also well known for his work on the Great Depression which influenced his decision to lower interest rates to 0 in response to the financial crisis of the Great Recession. His legacy as chairman is still left to interpretation as the future is uncertain. However, there is a limit as to how much of his works can be applied to the economics of organizations. He has focused on the industries as a whole and not just on individual organizations themselves. 
Before this assignment I was unaware of Ben Bernanke. Although, he is a well respected Economist and is worth reading up on. I look forward to exploring his blog for the Brooking's Institution and his projections for the economy.


  1. Bernanke did yeoman's work during the Great Recession. He is somebody that we all should be aware of, though his work is not directly relevant to the topics in our course.

    In future posts, please but in a subject line to your post. Do that in the box intended for it, rather than in the body of your post.


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